Apple’s iOS operating system is used by millions of people around the world. It’s the software that powers iPhone and iPad devices. And it’s widely considered to be the best mobile operating system available. Android is the main competitor to iOS. It’s an operating system used by many different phone manufacturers, including Samsung, Huawei, and LG. While Android is a great operating system, it’s not as good as iOS. Here are 10 reasons why iOS is better than Android.


iOS is more secure than Android

Android is very open. Anyone can download its code and adapt it to create their own version of the operating system. That’s how you get so many different types of Android phones. But this openness is also the source of its security weakness. Because anyone can access and change the code, it’s harder to secure. On the other hand, Apple tightly controls who has access to its source code. That means it’s easier to secure the operating system. That’s why many businesses use iOS devices for security purposes. Android is also constantly exposed to security threats. There are constant headlines about celebrity accounts being hacked or infected apps being downloaded from the Play Store. This happens less on the App Store. Because it’s easier to secure, there are also fewer malware infections on iOS.


iOS is easier to use than Android

Android has a lot of advanced features and customization options. You can change the way it looks and works in many different ways. But this also makes it harder to use. iOS, on the other hand, provides a simplified experience that most people find easier to use. It’s a more streamlined and straightforward operating system. For example, the notification shade, where you find important alerts, is a single swipe away on iOS. On Android, this is two swipes away. And while customizing your Android device is fun, most people don’t need to do it. On iOS, you get a device that’s ready to go straight out of the box. This is true even if you buy an iPhone X, which retails at a higher price than many Android devices.


iOS devices have better build quality

This is more subjective. But many people prefer the look and feel of iOS devices. They feel sturdier than their plastic Android counterparts. This is partly because of the choice of materials. But also because of the way they’re built. Most Android manufacturers use a design called “unibody,” where the outer frame is made from one piece of metal. This is cheaper to produce than the “unibody” method used for iPhones. That’s where the frame and body are made from different materials. It’s also used for MacBooks and MacBook Pros.


iOS has better app quality

Many people use Android as an alternative to Apple devices because they want more choice. That sounds great, but it actually leads to a worse experience overall. The “open” nature of Android means that anybody can create apps for the platform. These apps are then uploaded to the Google Play Store. There is no quality control. There are also no guidelines. This means that Android apps can look and work differently. That’s true even if they’re made by the same developer. This can lead to a confusing experience. There are also many apps on the Play Store that don’t work as they should. Or they’re full of annoying ads. This is less of an issue on the App Store. There are fewer apps, which means the team behind them can focus better. They can also enforce guidelines to make apps work in a consistent way.


iOS updates are released faster

Many Android devices get new versions of the operating system. But what many people don’t know is that a lot of those updates aren’t actually rolled out to users. Instead, they’re just available to phone manufacturers. They get a few months to test them and make sure they work properly before they’re released to the public. This can take several months. There’s also no guarantee that your device will get the update. Manufacturers are responsible for deciding which devices get new versions of Android. They have no obligation to push out updates to every device. This is because they want to focus on the latest versions. It’s not uncommon for older phones to be left behind.


iPhone has a better selection of accessories

Android devices can use many different types of accessories. But these are often made by cheaper manufacturers. The ones that are more reliable or higher quality are usually made for iOS devices. This is partly because Apple makes its own devices. It also has a tight control over the accessories that are made by third-party manufacturers. There are also many accessories that are unique to Apple devices. The AirPods wireless headphones, for example, aren’t available for Android devices.


iCloud is a better service than Google Drive

Android devices come with Google Drive preinstalled. This is a place where you can store files online and access them from anywhere. It’s a good service. But Apple’s iCloud is better. It works in a similar way to Google Drive. But it has more space available and more features. You can automatically upload photos and videos from your device. You can also have a separate place to store documents. This is useful for people who work on different devices, as it means you don’t have to transfer files between platforms.


Apple Pay is more widely accepted than Android Pay

Apple Pay lets you pay for things with your phone. It uses your fingerprint to authorize payments. You can do this at many stores. But it’s also accepted online. You can use it to buy things from websites. Android Pay is also a payment system for Android devices. But it isn’t as widely accepted as Apple Pay. That’s because it’s up to retailers to decide if they want to accept it.


There are more exclusive iOS features

Android has some great features. But iOS has some unique options. One example is Screen Time. This is an app that lets you see how much time you spend on your phone. You can set time limits and create rules to try to reduce your usage. There’s also Apple AirPlay. This lets you wirelessly stream audio and video from your phone to other devices. You can use it to play music in a different room using your phone as a remote control. You can also use it to show presentations on a bigger screen, or watch Netflix on your TV.


iOS just looks better than Android

This isn’t a crucial reason why one operating system is better than another. But it’s definitely a part of the experience. And it’s subjective, so some people may disagree with it. But iOS is, in general, a very attractive operating system. It has a consistent design. That means it looks the same on all devices, whether you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

 These are just a few reasons why iOS devices are better than Android devices. Apple devices are more secure, easier to use, have a better selection of accessories, and just look better than their Android counterparts. If you’re thinking about buying a new phone, then you might want to consider going with an iPhone, as they are generally a better option than Android devices. And if you’re already using an Android device, don’t worry. There are plenty of reasons why they are great too!